[VS2013] Introducing Gulp, Grunt, Bower, and npm support for Visual Studio [REF]

文章參考: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/IntroducingGulpGruntBowerAndNpmSupportForVisualStudio.aspx

需要條件 VS2013 update 3 installed

Visual Studio Extension

  1. [TRX - Task Runner Explorer](TRX - Task Runner Explorer)
  2. NPM/NBower Package Intellisense : Search for online NPM and Bower packages directly with Intellisense
  3. Grunt Launcher

操作方式: 請參考 http://www.hanselman.com/blog/IntroducingGulpGruntBowerAndNpmSupportForVisualStudio.aspx


不用再開一個command window 來跑grunt or gulp command, 所有的動作可以在VS裡面完成了 VS2013對於前端網頁的開發支援程度愈來越好了