經過網頁上的查詢及測試後. 在1.0.0-rc1-update1的版本裡,設定方式如下
- startup.cs
1 | public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) |
重點在於AutomaticAuthenticate 及 AutomaticChallenge 這兩個參數 他的說明如下:
- AutomaticAuthenticate: If true the authentication middlleware alter the request user coming in. If false the authentication middleware will only provide identity when explicitly indicated by the AuthenticationScheme.
- AutomaticChallenge: If true the authentication middleware should handle automatic challenge. If false the authentication middleware will only alter responses when explicitly indicated by the AuthenticationScheme.
這裡出現另外一個參數 AuthenticationScheme AuthenticationScheme: The AuthenticationScheme in the options corresponds to the logical name for a particular authentication scheme. A different value may be assigned in order to use the same authentication middleware type more than once in a pipepline.
這表示在Controller裡的[Authorize]可以指定AuthenticationScheme, 就可以做出很有彈性的權限設定轉址或是其他後續動作了
1 | [Authorize(ActiveAuthenticationSchemes ="abc")] |
##update 設定頁面授權的方式在這裡