#Form Validation with angularJs Basic: in .js $scope.form = {} $scope.form.$valid ==> 判斷form(name=「form」)內的物件是否有驗證有錯誤的物件存在
用法: formName.inputFieldName.property
Unmodified form A boolean property that tells us if the user has modified the form. This is true if the user hasn’t touched the form, and false if they have:
1 | formName.inputFieldName.$pristine; |
Modified form A boolean property if and only if the user has actually modified the form. This is set regardless of validations on the form:
1 | formName.inputFieldName.$dirty |
Valid form A boolean property that tells us that the form is valid or not. If the form is currently valid, then this will be true:
1 | formName.inputFieldName.$valid |
Invalid form A boolean property that tells us that the form is invalid. If the form is currently invalid, then this will be true:
1 | formName.inputFieldName.$invalid |
The last two properties are particularly useful for showing or hiding DOM elements. They are also very useful when setting a class on a particular form.
Errors Another useful property that AngularJS makes available to us is the $error object. This object contains all of the validations on a particular form and if they are valid or invalid. To get access to this property, use the following syntax:
1 | formName.inputfieldName.$error |
###Addtional CSS classes ng-valid Is set if the form is valid. ng-invalid Is set if the form is invalid. ng-pristine Is set if the form is pristine. ng-dirty Is set if the form is dirty.
##Input Validation
1 | <input |
####可驗證項目(內建) requried ng-minlength ng-maxlength
####$error所對應的項目 formName.inputfieldName.$error.requried formName.inputfieldName.$error.minlength formName.inputfieldName.$error.maxlength