Redux是根據Facebook的flux所產出的一個架構. 簡單介紹請參考這裡
![Untitled Diagram.png](
- Action: 處理資料,呼叫API, 任何有可能產生副作用的行為都在這階段處理, 通常都是回傳JSON object.
- Reducer: 根據Action傳來的動作和資料,來決定與原本的資料(In Store)的關係,例如、新增、更新、移除或過濾等,回傳要顯示在View上面的資料
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| import { Component, Inject, ApplicationRef } from 'angular2/core';
import * as TodoAction from '../../actions/ToDo';
@Component({ selector: 'ck-todo-app', template: require('./TodoPage.html') }) export class CkTodoApp { private disconnect: Function; private unsubscribe: Function; private items: any; private task: any;
constructor( @Inject('ngRedux') private ngRedux, private applicationRef: ApplicationRef) { }
ngOnInit() { this.disconnect = this.ngRedux.connect( this.mapStateToThis, this.mapDispatchToThis)(this);
this.unsubscribe = this.ngRedux.subscribe(() => { this.applicationRef.tick(); }); }
ngOnDestroy() { this.unsubscribe(); this.disconnect(); }
mapStateToThis(state) { return { items: state.todo, task: state.newtodo }; } mapDispatchToThis(dispatch) { return { add: (task) => dispatch(TodoAction.add(Object.assign({}, task))), remove: (task) => dispatch(TodoAction.remove(task)) }; } };
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| <div class="clearfix mx-auto col-8"> <h3>TODO App</h3> <div class="clearfix mxn2"> <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="task.content" class="input inline-block" /> <button class="btn btn-primary inline-block" (click)="add(task)">Add</button> </div> <div class="clearfix mxn2"> <ul class="list-reset" *ngFor="#item of items"> <li>{{ item.content }} <span (click)="remove(item)">x</span></li> </ul> </div> </div>
###註冊Store as provider in Angular2 application
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| import { enableProdMode, provide } from 'angular2/core'; import { bootstrap} from 'angular2/bootstrap'; import { ROUTER_PROVIDERS, APP_BASE_HREF } from 'angular2/router'; import { CkDemoApp } from './containers/main-app';
import configureStore from './store/configure-store'; const provider = require('ng2-redux').provider; const store = configureStore({});
declare let __PRODUCTION__: any;
if (__PRODUCTION__) { enableProdMode(); }
bootstrap(CkDemoApp, [ provider(store), ROUTER_PROVIDERS, provide(APP_BASE_HREF, { useValue: '/' }) ]);
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import {createStore, applyMiddleware, compose} from 'redux'; import {fromJS} from 'immutable'; import ReduxThunk from 'redux-thunk'; import rootReducer from '../reducers'; const persistState = require('redux-localstorage');
function configureStore(initialState) { const store = compose( _getMiddleware() )(createStore)(rootReducer, initialState);
return store; }
function _getMiddleware() { let middleware = [ ReduxThunk ];
if (__DEV__) { middleware = [...middleware]; }
return applyMiddleware(...middleware); }
export default configureStore;
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| import { TODO_ADD, TODO_REMOVE } from '../constants'; export function add(task) { return { type: TODO_ADD, data: task } }
export function remove(task) { return { type: TODO_REMOVE, data: task } }
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| import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import {todo, newtodo} from './todo';
export default combineReducers({ todo, newtodo });
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| import { fromJS, List } from 'immutable'; import { TODO_ADD, TODO_REMOVE } from '../constants';
const INITIAL_STATE = List<any>();
export function todo(state = INITIAL_STATE, action: any = { type: '' }) { switch (action.type) { case TODO_ADD: return state.push(; case TODO_REMOVE: return state.remove(state.indexOf(; default: return state; } }
export function newtodo(state = { content: '' }, action: any = { type: '' }) { switch (action.type) { case TODO_ADD: return { content: '' }; default: return state; } }
- Angular 2 — Introduction to Redux
- Angular 2 and Redux
- redux
- ng2-redux
- immutable.js
- work with service